

Mewtwo Y Revealed in Pokémon Unite


Recently Mewtwo X and Y Mega evolution were available for testing, so lets check them out starting with Mewtwo X. Before that if wanna know how to get on the test server check out this post Pokemon Unite public Test. Soo let's start 

Mewtwo X 

Mewtwo X is melee all rounder who has good stats


Mewtwo passive makes him mega evolve. He has gauge on top which he fill as he deals damage to the opposing pokemon,  once the gauge is full he mega evolves and mega evolution is not permanent it available for short duration after that he revert back to mewtwo till the gauge is full.

Move 1  


deals damage to the opposing pokemon and leaves them unable to act for short duration.

Future sight 

It pulls enemy Pokemon towards and as espeon future sight it deal damage to the opposing pokemon 


Just like Umbreon snarl with smaller radius and more damage but at end of move it deals AOE.

Move 2 


Grants the user a shield for a short time. While the shield active movement speed is increased.


It grant user shield with increased movement speed. Also recovers hp based on the damage it takes from opposing Pokemon.


It allow user to teleport to designated location with increased movement and increased damage.

Unite Move 

Best part of mewtwo is its unite it attacks all opposing pokemon and stuns them.

Verdict: Mewtwo X is balanced all rounder with good unite move 

Also check Blaziken gameplay 

Check out Mewtwo X gameplay 

future sight and recover moveset 

Psystrike and teleport 

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